
Flow State on Demand: the DayNinja Method

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Flow State on Demand: the DayNinja Method


As creators, we know our productivity doubles when in the flow state. The challenge is how to induce it every single day.

I’m teaching you my personal method to induce the flow state on demand. As a developer, founder and app agency owner I struggled with the issues you face:

  • Yes, it’s easy to do deep work.
  • Yet, it’s near impossible when bombarded by constant interruptions.

To break through and achieve your goals you need to win back time.

We all have a built in ‘killer app’ for superhuman productivity. It’s called the ‘flow-state’. I’ll teach you how to induce flow daily. 

The DayNinja Method is a value packed toolkit for the time pressured creator, founder or side hustling solopreneur.

"Executives who regularly access flow states experience a 500% increase in productivity."


If you could induce the flow state at will, what would it mean to you?

  • Double your productivity? More output. More income.
  • Simply finish your day early? More time with family and friends.

I’m not talking about mere focus or deep work. I am talking about the true flow state!

You know the ‘flow’ feeling right? you are so deeply involved in your work that you don’t stop for anything... meals, phone calls, even sleep!

Think back… When did you last really experience flow? Maybe writing a paper at university? Perhaps coding a project you were passionate about? drawing, painting?

When was it… today, last week, last month, 10 years ago?

I’m sure you’ve experienced flow at least once in your life. Picture it for a minute. Let me set the scene.

It was 11 pm and the report was due 8am the next morning. It was crazy!
Had you spent a week of days you would not have turned in that report.

But out of time. You started to type. The ideas came to you. Started to flow. Your fingers could barely keep up. Next day, you woke. The report was done. “Wow! What? It was not a dream. How did I do that?” you ask.

Could I access flow DAILY and ON DEMAND?

I asked myself that very question. I’ll tell you the story that led me to here.

I started my own software company straight out of university because I loved the feeling of “flow”. In the zone. I loved coding, building apps all day, through the night. It was my passion.

Several years ago. I hit a wall. I had founded startups, a successful app agency, a happy loving wife, family, three children. Yet something was missing. “Flow” was gone. Work was work. Work was hard without flow.

I had to get “flow” back… it took months but one day I did! With just a taste. I was hooked again. I had that superhuman feeling back and I never wanted to lose it again!

I then spent years studying, reading on psychology, the mind, body, philosophy from east to west turning over stones. Trying to answer the question. How come? why I had lost flow? I worked to develop an exact system to get it back. This time to keep it!

I even built an app when I thought I had the answer! But no, I’d lose it again. There was more to it. More to tweak. More to perfect. More than a mere book or app could solve. I continued. I measured and iterated on myself then colleagues to ensure the results could be replicated.

Now I am sharing this method with you. I call it the DayNinja Method.

"Subjects have a 430% increase in creative problem solving!"
-University of Sydney

Why wouldn’t you want to experience flow everyday?

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi the Hungarian-Amercian psychologist who coined the term the ‘flow state’ describes flow as “the optimal experience” he goes on to say “During flow, we experience deep enjoyment, creativity, and a total involvement with life.”

During flow, we are fully present, time expands and we achieve more.

  • Got a product you’ve never had time to finish?
  • A startup you seem to get enough time to work on?
  • Your book is not writing itself?

Flow is the secret to effortlessly enjoying your work. 

Getting the most out of life. Career and achieving your dreams.

"Subjects have a 490% increase in skill acquisition."

-Advanced Brain Monitoring & DARPA

Flow is the killer-app nature gave us. Learn to use it

I did not invent flow. It’s a gift we all have. I experienced it frequently when I was young. Like most, you could say I took it for granted. It came easy. That was before having a business, children, responsibilities, clients, followers, social posting to-do and a myriad of life demands.

Most forget about flow. Accept their lot. Dig-in and just try to get stuff done the best they can. I did exactly that, wasting years jumping from one productivity tool, book, app to the next. All the time wondering why I was procrastinating, slow, tired - failing to achieve. Yet, still questioning myself and looking for answers.

By chance I did not forget the flow state. Perhaps it was too dear to me. Its power made too much of an impression on my younger self. I wanted it back. I rediscovered flow and made it my mission.

You too have it inside you. The killer productivity app.

You just need to learn how to turn it on. Turn it on daily at will.

"A Harvard study found subjects to have three days of heightened creativity after the flow state."


The DayNinja Method is not for everyone

You are a Maker. Coder, writer, designer, founder or freelancer.

You earn from the product of your deep work. Whether hourly or results.

You own your business; or at least work from home or have freedom over your hours.

If you do not have autonomy then sorry, this is not for you.

Are you prepared to commit to The DayNinja Method?

The DayNinja Method typically takes a minimum of six 1-on-1 sessions to learn. I know you don’t have a lot of time so I’ve distilled this program down to 2.5 hrs and a step-by-step toolkit you can work through at your own pace and will work for most makers.

But, I don’t want you to have false expectations.

  • Like meditation, not everyone can achieve flow at the first sitting. The method requires discipline and persistence. But the rewards are worth it!
  • Even if you cannot achieve flow right away. The DayNinja method will show you where you are already losing 2-3 hours a day and zapping precious energy that takes you away from flow.
  • Just by saving an hour or two a day. You’d earn the ticket price back in one week. Having said that, if you are not prepared to follow my specific directions and use the resources daily then you will fail. Don’t buy this course! Keep doing what you are doing.

You’ll get the exact tools needed to activate flow at will

All delivered by my mobile friendly training website https://thedayninja.com

You’ll receive the resources and tools to keep in-check and measure progress:

  • Daily & weekly planning and measurement templates
  • The “Ninja Day” daily routine to activate flow
  • Weekly time box template
  • Checklists: Daily and weekly actions to help activate flow.
  • DayNinja App and recommended apps for tracking your performance.
  • DayNinja Method: '90 days of focus' program (90 mins video content) to keep you accountable and measure your success in achieving the flow state on demand.
  • Flow state on demand: 7x Lectures - 190 min video content.
    You won’t find this information anywhere on the Internet.

I’ll teach you:

  • What you need to do from the minute you wake up
  • Even when you should go to sleep
  • What to eat and drink and what not to in order to maximise flow
  • Mental models to block distractions get into the zone faster
  • Mindfulness techniques to identify flow blockers
  • How you are wasting energy everyday keeping you from flow
  • Activities you can expect to achieve flow and those you can’t
  • What time of day you can enter flow more readily
  • How to time-box your week to set yourself up for success
  • Even troubleshooting tips. How to overcome blockers of flow.

Example weekly planning resource

Sample from workbook resource.

STOP PRESS: I recently discovered Steven Kotler with the flow research collective created a similar course called “Zero to dangerous”. I did some digging and was floored by the price (and similarities)! To find our how much Zero to dangerous costs read my post here. I know how to train you to unlock flow and it should not cost THAT MUCH!

Pre-order offer - this price won’t last

As a pre-order customer, you’ll be given founding membership to the DayNinja private accountability group. It’s never easy to learn something new. Particularly, a skill that very few have mastered on their own in their lifetime. Joining a group of like minded founders, makers and side-hustlers will keep you disciplined to keep practicing the techniques and accountable to your goals.

Pre-order now to take advantage of this offer (a $99 value).

For the first 100 customers only: $147 pre-order price.

"Productivity has always been a challenge for me at work as a growth marketer. I felt I was using a lot of energy but not getting the much done. I took Flow State on Demand to fix this. I took it really seriously, taking notes and setting an action plan to implement the course. It's been only a week, and I'm already feeling the difference in my work. I enjoy it more, I do better work and I meet every single deadline ahead of time."

- Florian Decludt

* Valid until launch date or after the first 100 sales.

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Available on March 31, 2022 at 2:00 AM

For the first 100 customers only: Both 90 days of Focus AND Flow State on Demand digital courses. PLUS Founding membership to the DayNinja Accountability Group.

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